Ethics and Compliance | Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare

JHAH Ethics & Compliance

Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare (JHAH) is committed to the highest ethical and legal standards in the conduct of its business. Our ethics and compliance principles are embedded within our culture and form the basis for a suite of policies that guide and inform us as we implement JHAH’s mission, vision and values.  These same components shape our compliance programs which serve as the benchmark against which we measure our performance and that of our partners.

Code of Business Conduct

Our behavior is what defines us as a world-class healthcare provider. We are committed to adhering to our values and doing the right thing at all times.  Our Code of Conduct is the foundation of our ethics, regulatory and compliance framework and is anchored by our values. Our Code of Conduct is the way we do business.

The purpose of our Code of Conduct is to help us fulfill the ethical commitments we have made to each other, to JHAH, our stakeholders, and ourselves. Our Code of Conduct provides guidance and outlines our core responsibilities and expected standards of conduct regarding such matters as retaliation, discrimination, harassment, privacy, competition and anti-trust, anti-bribery and anti-corruption, international trade compliance, confidentiality, conflicts of interest and compliance with applicable laws.

Supplier Code of Conduct

JHAH requires each of its suppliers to share and demonstrate its commitment to conducting business in an ethical, legal, safe, and environmentally and socially responsible manner.  Our Supplier Code of Conduct establishes the mandatory policies on compliance with laws, environmental, health and safety practices, ethical business practices (fair trade practices, ethical sourcing, bribery, kickbacks and fraud, and gifts, gratuities and hospitality), monitoring and compliance, and confidentiality.  JHAH requires its supplier to consistently meet the requirements outlined in the Supplier Code of Conduct to be considered for, to do, or to continue to do business with JHAH.