Omar Al-Omoush Bio | Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare


Dr. Omar Al-Omoush

Dr. Omar Al-Omoush

Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare

Family Practice Specialist

Dr. Omar Al-Omoush is a Family Practice Specialist qualified in the UK. Dr. Al-Omoush has a special interest in geriatrics, musculoskeletal medicine, and quality. He joined JHAH in 2012 and has been involved in many quality improvement projects. Dr. Al-Omoush is currently the Chair of the Primary care Patient Safety, Quality, and Clinical Excellence Committee. He also has a major role in establishing the RT walk in the Center, DH Urgent Care Center, family medicine residency program, and the Timely Cancer Diagnosis project.


JHAH Patient Safety Symposium 2022

Dr. Al-Omoush will be speaking at JHAH’s 2022 International Quality and Patient Safety Symposium “The impact of Quality & Patient Safety in Transforming Healthcare”, which will be held on March 20-21.