At Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare (JHAH) our emergency specialist physicians interact with their Remote Area Clinics (RACs) medical colleagues and tele-medically examine patients using specialized equipment to determine the condition of patients. From this telemedical examination, the Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare (JHAH) specialist can determine a treatment plan in collaboration with the Remote Area Clinics (RACs) clinic physician, or make the decision to transfer patients for advanced care.
Starting April 2019, Tanajib and Shaybah Remote Area Clinics (RACs), Saudi Aramco and Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare (JHAH) are piloting an innovative telemedicine system to give the RAC healthcare professionals access to video consults with emergency specialist physicians at the JHAH Dhahran Health Center.
The trial will begin in April, 2019 and will run for one year in order to determine how best to provide emergency care to people working and living in remote areas.