When kidneys fail, your body may have problems filtering your blood and remaining chemically balanced. Dialysis cleans the body of unwanted toxins, waste products and excess fluids, and can take the place of some kidney function.
Dialysis treatment takes hours not minutes, and can be stressful. At Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare (JHAH), we ensure comfort and safety through our dialysis care partners in state-of-the-art hemodialysis treatment areas, all closely monitored by the JHAH medical team, helping you relax during your treatment.
With the help of your hemodialysis team, you will be given the choice of dialysis at home or at one of our partnership locations in the Eastern Province based on select eligibility criteria.
Dialysis takes place at our dialysis care partners’ state-of-the-art hemodialysis treatment areas and uses a machine with a special filter to remove excess fluid and toxins from your blood. Your blood is effectively cleaned through the dialysis machine and pumped back into your body. Your nephrologist will walk you through the process and help you decide if this treatment type is most suitable for you.
Peritoneal dialysis is performed at home by you, either manually or by using a machine supplied by JHAH. Peritoneal dialysis works by using the blood vessels in the lining of your abdomen to filter wastes, chemicals and extra fluids from the blood. A sterile fluid called dialysate is inserted into the abdominal cavity, and its sugar helps draw out these wastes. For this treatment, your doctor will insert a small tube through your abdomen into the peritoneal cavity. Our specialists will help you choose the type of treatment best suited to your needs.
Hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis treatments are also offered to children when they need it. Children’s needs are different from adults’, and our pediatric nephrologist will talk you through the treatment options. Together with your family, we will choose what works best for your child.