Training and Simulation Center (TASC) | Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare

Health Care Provider Training

Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare, Training and Simulation Center (TASC) provides many training courses for any Health care provider in the Kingdom

Welcome to the Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare Training and Simulation Center (TASC), your premier destination for comprehensive healthcare training in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Whether you're a seasoned healthcare professional or a newcomer to the field, TASC offers a wide array of courses tailored to meet your educational needs.

At TASC, we pride ourselves on our affiliation with esteemed international organizations such as the American Heart Association and the American College of Surgeons. This ensures that our courses adhere to the highest standards of quality and are recognized globally for their excellence.

Our diverse range of training courses caters to healthcare providers across various specialties, all designed to enhance your skills and knowledge. From advanced cardiac life support to decontamination techniques, we have something for everyone.

2024 Offered Courses

Explore detailed information about each course we offer, including eligibility criteria, available dates, and fees. Whether you're looking to advance your career or sharpen your skills, we are here to support your educational journey every step of the way.

Group offerings

Extra classes with different fees will be available upon group registration.

This is an American Heart Association (AHA) Course

ACLS is designed for healthcare providers who direct or participate in cardiopulmonary arrest or other cardiovascular emergencies. Through didactic instruction and active participation in simulated cases, students will enhance their skills in the recognition and intervention of cardiopulmonary arrest and immediate post-cardiac arrest care as well as early recognition and management of acute dysrhythmia, stroke and acute coronary syndromes.

The goal of the course is to improve outcomes for adult patients of cardiopulmonary arrest and other cardiovascular emergencies through early recognition and interventions by high-performance teams (AHA 2020). ACLS builds on the foundation of Basic Life Support (BLS), emphasizing the importance of continuous high-quality CPR.

This course is run over 2 days and Pre-course requisites are a pass in the AHA pre-course self-assessment online course. To pass the course students must pass the BLS, Airway and "Mega-code" skills assessment and the 50 question MCQ exam. On successful completion, participants will receive details on how to access their ACLS provider e-card. Recertification is every 2 years.

If you have limited experience with cardiac rhythm recognition it is recommended to take an ECG course prior to attending this course.

Target Audience

Healthcare providers working in emergency response, emergency medicine, intensive care, and critical care units such as physicians, nurses, and paramedics, as well as others who need an ACLS course completion card for job or other requirements.

Course Fees

Total including 15% VAT SR 1380

Course Schedule

  • January: 9 (recertification), 10-11
  • March: 3 (recertification), 6-7
  • May: 14 (recertification), 15-16
  • July: 9 (recertification), 10-11
  • September: 10 (recertification), 11-12
  • October: 22 (recertification)
  • November: 3 (recertification), 6-7

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ADLS is one of a series of courses overseen by The National Disaster Life Support Foundation, Inc. (NDLSF). Completion of Basic Disaster life Support course (BDLS) is a pre-requisite for attending ADLS.

This intense course allows the multi-disciplinary participants to demonstrate competencies in mass casualty/disaster management. Building on the knowledge learned from BDLS students will participate in interactive sessions, tabletop scenarios and a mass casualty triage exercise. Core education elements include the ADLS manual and five interactive lectures (Disasters and Public Health Emergencies; Triage in Disasters and Public Health Emergencies; Health System Surge Capacity for Disasters and Public Health Emergencies; Community Health Emergency Operations and Response; and Legal and Ethical Issues in Disasters)

This is a two-day course with the pre-requisite if completing the online pre-course test. The certificate of completion is issued on completion of the online post-course test. Recertification is every 4 years.

Target Audience

Healthcare, public health and allied health professionals; emergency medical services personnel; and other medical first responders and receivers.

Course Fees

Total including 15% VAT SR 1725

Course Schedule

  • January: 29-30
  • March: 4-5
  • June: 3-4
  • November: 4-5

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ATLS was developed by the American College of Surgeons (ACS) Committee on Trauma (COT).  The Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) program teaches a systematic, concise approach to the care of a trauma patient providing a safe and reliable method for immediate management of injured patients.

This program is a measurable, reproducible, and a comprehensive system of trauma care which provides systemic and concise training for the early care of trauma patients. It sets an organized approach for the evaluation and management of seriously injured patients and is the foundation of common knowledge for all members of the trauma team in both large and urban centers and small rural emergency departments.

The Provider Course is an intensive three-day course, consisting of pre - and post-course tests, core content lectures, case presentations, discussions, development of life-saving manipulative skills, surgical skills stations with practical laboratory and ultrasound experience, and a final performance proficiency evaluation. Recertification is every 4 years.

Target Audience

Physicians with at least one year of clinical experience who infrequently treat trauma cases, participate in disaster management and deal traumatic disease on a frequent basis. Physicians transitioning from clinical settings to emergency care.

Course Fees

Total including 15% VAT SR 3750

Course Schedule

  • February: 6-8
  • May: 7-9
  • September: 3-5
  • December: 3-5


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BDLS is one of a series of courses overseen by The National Disaster Life Support Foundation, Inc. (NDLSF).

This awareness-level multi-disciplinary course introduces the concepts and principles to prepare health professionals for the management of injuries and illnesses caused by disasters and public health emergencies. The primary focus of BDLS is incorporation of an "all hazards" approach to mass casualty management and population-based care across a broad range of disasters. The overall aim of the BDLS course is to teach a common vocabulary and knowledge base for the clinical and public health management of all populations affected by disasters and public health emergencies through a standardized curriculum.

This is a one-day competency-based, awareness-level course using NDLSF presentation materials as a basis for subject discussion. Following the post-course online exam a certificate of completion is issued. Recertification is every 4 years.

Target Audience

Healthcare, public health and allied health professionals; emergency medical services personnel; and other medical first responders and receivers.

Course Fees

Total including 15% VAT SR 1150

Course Schedule

  • January: 14
  • May: 5
  • September: 8
  • December: 29

This is an American Heart Association course.

BLS provides the foundation for saving lives form cardiac arrest. It teaches both single rescuer and team skills in both out of hospital and in-hospital environments with a focus on high quality cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and team dynamics.

This course aims to give participants the ability to recognize life-threatening emergencies, give high-quality chest compressions, deliver appropriate ventilations and provide early use of an automated external defibrillator (AED).

This half day course provides video-based learning combined with skills practice while watching. To pass the course students must pass the skills assessment station and the 25 question MCQ exam. On successful completion, participants will receive details on how to access their BLS provider e-card. Recertification is every 2 years.

Target Audience

All Health Care Providers who provide direct patient care.

Course Fees

Total including 15% VAT SR 460.00

Course Schedule

  • January: 8 and 22
  • February: 5 and 26
  • March: 4 and 18
  • April: 15 and 29
  • May: 13 and 27
  • June: 10 and 24
  • July: 8 and 29
  • August: 12 and 26
  • September: 9 and 30
  • October: 14 and 24
  • November: 11 and 25
  • December: 16 and 30

The National Disaster Life Support-Decontamination (NDLS-D) course discusses the principles of detection and monitoring, command structure, human resource needs for a decontamination team, personal protective equipment (or “PPE”) and other necessary tools, decontamination site selection and finally documentation procedures. The course also provides a hands-on phase where necessary decontamination skills are discussed, demonstrated and then applied by the class.

This is one day course, and participants will participate in the skills of decontamination. On completion of the course those marked as attended the day will have one week in which to complete the post-test and course evaluation. After this the electronic certificate is issued. Recertification is every 4 years.

Target Audience

Healthcare, public health and allied health professionals; emergency medical services personnel; and other medical first responders and receivers.

Course Fees

Total including 15% VAT SR 1725.00

Course Schedule

  • February: 25
  • May: 19
  • October: 20
  • December: 15

The ECG course provides the health care personnel with the required skills and knowledge to identify basic to advanced ECG arrhythmias and perform basic 12 lead interpretation in order to determine emergency treatment modalities.

Patient monitoring is used widely throughout many hospital units today and cardiac rhythm identification has become a valuable and necessary skill for many different healthcare professionals. This course teaches the skills of performing 12 lead ECG and interpreting the rhythms with the beginning modules providing a foundation for healthcare professionals who work in critical care areas.

The course is conducted over one day with no pre-course requisites and course materials supplied on the day.  A certificate of attendance is issued.

Target Audience

Multidisciplinary for any healthcare professional who would like to learn ECG interpretation skills.

Course Fees

Total including 15% VAT SR 460.00

Course Schedule

  • February: 4
  • April: 28
  • May: 20
  • June: 30
  • September: 29
  • October: 14 and 24
  • November: 10

From the Society of Critical Care Medicine the FCCS is an internationally recognized course designed to provide healthcare professionals, including non-intensivists with the training to manage critically ill patients for the first 24 hours until appropriate critical care consultation can be arranged. The course and its companion text assist the non-intensivist in dealing with the sudden deterioration of critically ill patients and prepares house staff and nurses for ICU coverage This intensive program combines expert-developed didactic lectures with that topics that include recognition and assessment of the critically ill patient, mechanical ventilation, shock and infection management. 

The course is run over two days and includes lectures presented by subject matter experts with interactive skills stations that cover many aspects of adult critical care management designed to provide knowledge and guidance for decision making. Registered students are issued the FCCS manual and access to the online materials including the pre-test which is taken prior to attending the course. To pass the course students must achieve at least 70% in the post-test which is online and to be taken within one week of the course. Renewal is every 4 years.

Target Audience

The course is recommended for primary care physicians, emergency physicians, residents, fellows, physician assistants, nurses, and other personnel who may or may not be skilled in critical care but who must care for such patients during early stabilization.

Course Fees

Total including 15% VAT SR 920.00

Course Schedule

  • May: 1-2
  • July: 21-22
  • September: 24-25
  • December: 25-26

The FCCS OB is an internationally recognized course from the Society of Critical Care Medicine and is designed to assist physicians, certified nurse midwives, registered nurses and other allied health care providers to develop and maintain the knowledge, skills and attitude to manage emergencies that arise in maternity care. This intensive program combines didactic lectures with hands on skill rotations providing a comprehensive learning experience to help build clinician confidence in providing maternal/fetal critical care to improve outcomes. 

The course is run over two days and includes lectures presented by subject matter experts with interactive skill stations that cover many aspects of obstetric emergencies including Critical Care in Pregnancy, Ethics in Critical Care Medicine, and Critical Care in Infants and Children.

Registered students are issued the FCCS-OB manual and access to the online materials including the pre-test which is taken prior to attending the course. To pass the course students must achieve at least 70% in the post-test which is online and to be taken within one week of the course. Renewal is every 4 years.

Target Audience

This course is recommended for all healthcare professionals who provide maternal/fetal critical care and for clinicians in Obstetrics seeking critical care training.

Course Fees

Total including 15% VAT SR 920.00

Course Schedule

  • April: 23-24
  • July: 15-16
  • September: 16-17
  • December: 9-10

This is an American Heart Association course.

The Heartsaver First Aid CPR and AED course is designed for non-clinical staff working in clinical patient care areas or staff who may be mandated to take this course by their employer or for those who want to be prepared for an emergency in any setting either at work or home. The course trains participants in adult CPR and AED use, first aid basics for the most common first aid emergencies including how to recognize them, how to call for help and how to perform lifesaving skills.

 This is a one day course and after completion participants will understand first aid basics, medical emergencies, injury emergencies and how to prevent illness and injury.

Target Audience

Any person from a non-clinical background who may work in healthcare environment or wants to learn CPR, AED, & First Aid skills​.

Course Fees

Total including 15% VAT SR 460.00

Course Schedule

  • February: 1
  • April: 25
  • July: 25
  • October: 10

NRP is from the American Acadamy of Pediatrics and introduces the concepts and basic & advanced skills of neonatal resuscitation. It is designed for health care professionals involved in any aspect of neonatal resuscitation, who provide direct care during neonatal resuscitation.

NRP is a blended learning format with an online component of 11 lessons followed by a practical skills component which is 4 hours. On successful completion a certificate is provided. Recertification is every 2 years.

Target Audience

Physicians, Nurses, advanced practice Nurses, Nurse Midwives, licensed Midwives, respiratory care practitioners, and other health care professionals.

Course Fees

Total including 15% VAT SR 863.00

This is an American Heart Association (AHA) Course.

PALS is an instructor let course that uses didactic instruction, videos and simulation to reinforce the important concepts of a systematic approach to pediatric assessment. Course content includes recognition and management of pediatric respiratory & shock problems, cardiac arrhythmias, cardiac arrest and return of spontaneous circulation.

The goal of the course is to improve the quality of care provided to seriously ill or injured children through use of AHA algorithms and high performance team approach for improved patient outcome.

This course is run over two days and the Pre-course requisites are a pass in the AHA pre-course self-assessment online course. To pass the course students must pass the BLS, airway, venous access, rhythm disturbances/electrical therapy, 2 Mega-code skills stations and the 50 question MCQ exam. On successful completion, participants will receive access on how to access their PALS provider e-card. Recertification is every 2 years.

 If you have limited experience with cardiac rhythm recognition it is recommended to take an ECG course prior to attending this course.

Target Audience

Healthcare providers working with pediatric population in emergency response, emergency medicine, pediatric intensive care, and critical care units such as physicians, nurses, and paramedics, as well as others who need a PALS course completion card for job or other requirements.

Course Fees

Total including 15% VAT SR 1380.00

Course Schedule

  • January: 23 (recertification)
  • February: 19 (recertification), 20-21
  • May: 21 (recertification), 22-23
  • June: 25 (recertification), 26-27
  • July: 23 (recertification)
  • August: 6 (recertification), 7-8
  • September: 18 (recertification)
  • October: 15 (recertification), 16-17
  • November: 19 (recertification)
  • December: 17 (recertification), 18-19

The Society of Critical Care Medicine developed this internationally recognized course to prepare non-intensivists to manage the care of critically ill pediatric patients for the first 24 hours until transfer or appropriate critical care consultation can be arranged. Subjects covered include assessment of the critically ill child, transport, mechanical ventilation, metabolic disorders and trauma injures.

The course is run over two days and includes lectures presented by subject matter experts with interactive skills stations that cover many aspects of Pediatric critical care management designed to provide knowledge and guidance for decision making. 

Registered students are issued the PFCCS manual and access to the online materials including the pre-test which is taken prior to attending the course. To pass the course students must achieve at least 70% in the post-test which is online and to be taken within one week of the course. Renewal is every 4 years.

Target Audience

The course is recommended for primary care physicians, emergency physicians, residents, fellows, physician assistants, nurses, and other personnel who may or may not be skilled in Pediatric critical care but who must care for such patients during early stabilization and in anticipation of the arrival of an intensivist or specialist or pending transfer of a patient to a tertiary center.

Course Fees

Total including 15% VAT SR 920.00

Course Schedule

  • May: 28-29
  • November: 26-27

From the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians in cooperation with the American College of Surgeons, PHTLS is recognized around the world as the leading continuing education program for prehospital emergency trauma care. The PHTLS course improves the quality of trauma care and decreases mortality. The program is based on a philosophy stressing the treatment of the multi-system trauma patient as a unique entity with specific needs. PHTLS promotes critical thinking as the foundation for providing quality care. It is based on the belief that, given a good fund of knowledge and key principles, EMS practitioners are capable of making reasoned decisions regarding patient care.

This course is run over two days and students will attend lectures and interactive skills sessions. Reading of the PHTLS e-book is the pre-course requirement. At the end of day 2 all students will take the 50-question written exam. Recertification is every 4 years.

Target Audience

The course is aimed at EMT Paramedics but can also be taken by Emergency Department Phyicians and Nurses.

Course Fees

Total including 15% VAT SR 920.00

Course Schedule

  • February: 12-13
  • April: 17-18
  • October: 7-8
  • December: 23-24

The TNCC is an internationally recognized course developed by the Emergency Nurses Association and designed to teach essential trauma nursing knowledge and skills through interactive online learning and hands on psychomotor skill stations. The framework of the course is based on the nursing process which is highlighted throughout the course. The classroom activities highlight the critical concepts presented in the TNCC manual to reinforce learning. The psychomotor skill stations present realistic patient scenarios to practice trauma-specific skills.

This is a 2-day course and to pass the course students must be successful in the Trauma Nursing Process case simulation and completion of the online MCQ exam. Recertification is every 4 years.

Target Audience

Emergency nurses and nurses who might be required to care for trauma patients in the hospital setting.

Course Fees

Total including 15% VAT SR 1380.00

Course Schedule

  • June: 5-6
  • August: 27-28