Cervical Cancer Screening | Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare

Cervical Cancer Screening

Protect Your Health with Regular Screening and Vaccination

Cervical cancer screening is a cornerstone of women's health, offering early detection that can save lives. JHAH emphasizes the importance of two key tests: the Pap smear and HPV (Human Papillomavirus) testing.

The Power of Pap Smear and HPV Testing

HPV testing identifies the presence of the virus that can trigger these cellular changes.

A Pap smear is a crucial test that checks for precancerous or cancerous cells in the cervix.

Both tests are typically conducted during the same visit, involving a simple procedure where cells are collected from the cervix for laboratory analysis. This process takes just a few minutes but provides vital information about your health.

Early Detection Enhances Survival

JHAH has recently introduced HPV screening in addition to the existing Pap smear. All smear tests now include HPV Screening.

JHAH recommends that sexually active women aged 21-64 have a Pap smear every three years, or every five years if combined with an HPV test. Regular screenings are essential for detecting any pre-cancerous changes in the cervix, significantly improving the chances of successful treatment.

Talk to your primary care physician today about scheduling your next screening. Early detection is your best defense against cervical cancer.

The Importance of HPV Vaccination

Persistent HPV infections are a significant risk factor for cervical cancer, as they can lead to dangerous cellular changes in the cervix. Fortunately, the HPV vaccine provides a powerful shield, effectively preventing the types of HPV most commonly associated with cervical cancer.

JHAH strongly recommends that females aged 9-13 receive their first dose of the HPV vaccine. Speak with your child’s pediatric physician at their next appointment to ensure they are protected.

HPV Vaccination in Dhahran

Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare offers the HPV vaccine in Dhahran for all females aged 9 to 26

Book an appointment with your primary care physician who during the appointment will check to see if a Pap smear and HPV test are recommended for you. 

Book Your Appointment: Two Easy Options

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In Kingdom: 800-305-4444

Out of Kingdom: +966-13-870-3888

By scheduling your screening, you're not just taking a step toward protecting your health—you’re making an important commitment to a long, productive, and happy life.

The Life You Save May Be Your Own.

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