Perfect pass rate for JHAH's family medicine residents | Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare

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Perfect pass rate for JHAH's family medicine residents

For the first time, 100% of final-year residents on JHAH’s market-leading Family Medicine Residency Program passed their Saudi Commission for Health Specialties exams.

The 2024 class of the Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare (JHAH) Family Medicine Residency Program posted a 100% pass rate for their final examinations, marking the first time a perfect pass rate has been achieved.

All 18 final-year family medicine residents passed the rigorous two-part examination set by the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties (SCFHS), which comprises written and clinical tests.

JHAH is one of the leading family medicine training hubs in Saudi Arabia. Its Family Medicine Residency Program welcomes up to 20 new residents each year, making it one of the largest programs of its kind in the Kingdom.

JHAH is accredited by the SCFHS to offer more than 21 residency programs, including Pathology, Pharmacy, Emergency Services, Anesthesia, Psychiatry, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, and Family Medicine. All JHAH residency programs aim to produce healthcare innovators who drive reform in line with Vision 2030, by combining academic excellence with forward-looking clinical practice standards, global knowledge exchange, and leadership training.

Family medicine is a discipline that sits within primary care, offering comprehensive healthcare for individuals and their families outside the hospital setting. Saudi Arabia’s primary care system is undergoing a wide-ranging transformation as part of government plans to improve access to healthcare for all. Increasing the number of visitors to primary care services is one of the core initiatives of the Healthcare Sector Transformation Program, which is part of Vision 2030.

“Our family medicine residents have a key role in real-world primary care initiatives,” Dr. Saeed Al Qahtani, Director of JHAH’s Family Medicine Residency Program, said. “They take care of acute and chronic medical problems, promote patient wellness, and help with preventive programs like screening for breast, cervical, and colon cancer. Our program also allows us to extend our opening hours and offer weekend coverage, and helps us improve patient satisfaction across the board.

After our residents graduate, the Kingdom benefits from their expertise in a field deemed crucial by healthcare policymakers. Our Family Medicine Residency Program is making a significant contribution to the healthcare transformation initiative and therefore the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 goals.

JHAH’s Family Medicine Residency Program opened its doors in 2016. More than 100 residents have since graduated from the program and gone on to practice across the Kingdom, work at major healthcare companies, and win fellowships at overseas medical institutions, among other destinations.

JHAH’s admission’s officers select candidates based on academic strength and research activity, among other factors. “We attract the best residents because we seek only to employ the best residents,” Dr. Mohammed Mohammed, Chair of Primary Care Services at JHAH, said.

If accepted onto the program, family medicine residents are rotated through all medical specialties at JHAH. The breadth and depth of JHAH’s specialisms means residents are exposed to significantly more practice areas, and at a deeper level of expertise, than other programs of a similar nature.

“Residents on the family medicine program obtain an exceptionally high level of clinical exposure to critical disciplines across multiple departments,” Dr. Mohammed said. “This gives them a more holistic set of skills that can be applied in the primary care setting.

“They also have excellent supervisors and mentors who bring an incredible range of skills to the table. Many of the teaching staff here at JHAH undertook some form of training outside the Kingdom, so residents are exposed to a wider range of medical knowledge.”

Residents on the program devote a full day each week to academic study led by a top clinician, to ensure they are up to date with the latest developments in the field. The family medicine department at JHAH is a major contributor to the Daleel Family Medicine Guide, a comprehensive resource for frontline primary care professionals.

Learn more about JHAH’s market-leading residency and training programs