Prepare to Ace Your Child’s First Week Back | Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare

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Your Child’s First Week Back

Serious knee disease or injury has a significant negative impact on a person’s life. Treating this problem can dramatically improve the quality of life for not only that person but for the family and friends.

Knee replacement surgery replaces parts of injured or worn-out knee joints to ease pain, improve mobility and enhance the quality of life. Before the surgery, a surgeon checks the knee's range of motion, stability, strength and the extent of damage. The right artificial joints and surgical techniques depend on several factors like age, weight, activity level, knee size and shape, and overall health.

“The damaged bone and cartilage are replaced with artificial joints made of metal and plastic and can last at least 15 to 20 years,” said Dr. Babiker Sulaiman, Orthopedist and Physician Manager, Al Hasa Medical Services Department. “After recovery, the patient is able to engage in various low-impact activities, such as walking, swimming, golfing or biking.”

Total-Knee Replacement (TKR) surgery is often the most effective option for people with severe pain in their knee joints, who cannot walk without pain or who have not responded to other treatments.

Our dedicated orthopedic team at the Al-Hasa Health Center take that seriously and as a result in 2023 doubled the number of total knee replacement surgeries conducted through the MDF Back Referral Program, reflecting their unwavering commitment to serve more patients while maintaining the highest standard of quality and safety.

HAH MDF Back Referral Program

Did you know that Saudi Aramco employees and their dependents, who are registered with a JHAH network provider (MDF), can have their knee problems treated at JHAH?

Do you want to know more? You can request a call-back from our team and we will walk you through the process and eligibility criteria.

Request call-back




Encourage Children to Eat Fruits & Vegetables

March 20, 2024

JHAH Clinical Nutrition is here to help with some practical and creative tips to serve fruits and vegetables to children


Smooth Return to School

January 19, 2022

JHAH Developmental Behavioral Pediatrician provides the three pillars to start with for your child’s smooth return to physical attendance in schools


Keratoconus diseases

June 09, 2022

Keratoconus is an eye disease that affects the Cornea, the clear transparent part of the eye. This disease causes progressive thinning and protrusion of the cornea giving it a conical shape.


The JHAH Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccination Campaign

August 20, 2023

JHAH is conducting a Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination campaign to encourage everyone to get their children vaccinated



April 24, 2024

Through immunizations, we are able to protect our families from infectious disease. Find out more about our recommended child vaccination schedule at JHAH


A Gift of Love to JHAH Newborns

July 11, 2024

Dhahran Oasis Quilt Guild has taken dedication to an entirely new level in guild’s 21st anniversary.


A Child Can Enjoy Childhood, Another JHAH First

September 12, 2024

A groundbreaking medication brings elevated cholesterol levels back to normal.


Internet Safety Tips for Kids in Cyberspace

December 17, 2024

Help children stay safe online by teaching privacy, secure settings, and cyberbullying awareness


Strengthening children's muscles

December 26, 2024

Explore how children's exercise programs focus on neurological adaptation and muscle learning rather than muscle size alone