Your Health in Ramadan | Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare

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Your Health in Ramadan

The month of Ramadan is seen by many as the time to start on a road to a healthier and more spiritual way of living.

Exercising is essential for a healthier and longer life. Exercising makes you burn calories and strengthens your body. During Ramadan, you should avoid doing vigorous aerobic exercise during the day because you will be losing water as you are fasting.

During the day, you can walk, stretch, do house chores and go up the stairs. Any physical activity counts as exercise. After Iftar, the dinner when you break your fast, rest a little to digest the food and then do your favorite exercise.

Smoking is directly associated with cancer, heart diseases and other serious diseases. We all know it but it is difficult to kick the habit. If you can fast 12 or more hours without smoking, it is proof that you can do it! Cut down on your smoking before and after Ramadan so you can stop smoking completely soon after Ramadan.

Too much caffeine affects sleep and may make you more irritable. You should drink caffeine in moderation; the month of Ramadan is a good opportunity to cut down. Remember that drinking coffee and tea makes you lose water and vitamins and it should be avoided during Suhur, the breakfast before dawn.

Remember that a sudden decrease in caffeine prompts headaches, mood swings and irritability. It is better to start reducing the intake of caffeine about a week before Ramadan.

Sleeping 7 to 8 hours per day is essential for a healthy and vigorous adult body. During Ramadan, your schedule may change from non-fasting months because you have to rise earlier than usual for Suhur.

You also usually stay up longer in the evening during the family and friend gatherings and for performing prayers. However, to help you achieve your Ramadan commitment to a healthier-self, you should ensure you get adequate sleep time.


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