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Save lives, donate blood

Approximately 60 percent of the population is eligible to donate blood, yet less than five percent do.

Somewhere in the world, every three seconds someone needs blood. To meet this need nearly 120 million units of blood are donated every year. Regular blood donations from healthy people are vital to ensure that safe blood will available to save lives when people need transfusions due to severe trauma from accidents; complex surgery; cancer treatment, or regular transfusions for conditions such as sickle cell disease. There is a constant need for blood donations because blood can be stored for only a limited time before use.

On June 14, the world celebrates “World Blood Donor Day”, thanking blood donors for their selfless act and raising awareness of the importance of donating safe blood.

Blood transfusions save lives. Unfortunately, many patients who need a blood transfusion do not have access to safe blood. The need for a blood transfusion can happen at any time, so blood banks need to keep an adequate supply of blood on hand.

A sufficient and reliable supply of safe blood depends on a regular supply of blood donors.

Healthy people aged 17 and above, weighing at least 50 kg.

Blood contains many life-saving components. Within six hours of donation, it can be processed into products required to treat a variety of medical conditions. Some of the products acquired from blood transfusions include:

  • Red blood cells, which carry vital oxygen through the body. These are used for patients who have suffered blood loss due to trauma or surgery.
  • Plasma, used mainly in the emergency treatment of shock or for severe burns.
  • Platelets, which play an essential part in blood clotting. For instance, platelets are used to treat patients with severe hemorrhage or leukemia. Often, one single patient will need platelets from 10 or more donors, within a short period. These cells have a life span of only five days. Hence, blood bank stocks need to be constantly renewed.
  • Cryoprecipitate, which contains the clotting substance absent in patients who suffer from hemophilia.
  • The satisfaction of knowing they are making a difference in the community by helping others.
  • The knowledge and assurance that adequate supplies of blood are available for them, their family, and others.
  • The benefits of checking blood pressure, hemoglobin, and pulse rate every time they donate blood.
  • Donating blood uses about 650 calories

Why should I become a regular blood donor?

  • One unit of blood can save three adult lives or up to six newborns
  • There is no substitute for human blood.

Is donating blood safe?

Donating blood is safe; there is no risk of contracting any disease through donating blood. Each donor receives his or her sterile blood bag and needle each time.

How much can I donate?

You can donate 450 ml, three to four times a year. Each of us has about five liters of blood in our body, which is continuously replenished.

What are some of the guidelines that I should follow?

  • Eat well-balanced meals and increase your fluid intake to help restore blood volume after donating blood.
  • Practice regular physical activity to strengthen the body and improve blood circulation.
  • Avoid tobacco products as they do not help the body to formulate new blood.
  • Reduce caffeine intake, as caffeine reduces iron absorption. Do not drink coffee or tea or cola with meals.
  • If you wish to use supplements, it is advisable to speak to your doctor and to go for complete supplements that contain all the nutrients, including iron.
  • Do not drive for long distances after donating blood.
  • If you experience dizziness during or after donation, inform the blood bank technician, keep your head lower than the donation chair, and drink an adequate amount of water (around two cups). It is important to not leave the donation chair by standing up too quickly.

Be a hero

Save a life!

A little of your time and a simple needle prick can transform you into a superhero, helping medical staff save lives.

Sign-up today to become a #JHAHBloodDonor, call the JHAH Blood Bank at Dhahran Health Center on 870-6638 or 870-6770 during regular working hours.

We made it easy

  • Dedicated blood donor parking spaces
  • Mobile Blood Donation Center
  • Dhahran in-camp home visits

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