The Holy month of Ramadan is a spiritual time when one feels closer to God and fasting is a means to feel the suffering of those less fortunate.
It also is a time for some to over-indulge and to let go of their healthy lifestyle habits.
Fasting can affect your usual routine, with the hours of eating being significantly different than what you are used to, it can be easy to slip into a cycle of unhealthy and sedentary lifestyle habits. Nevertheless, it is possible for your to watch out for your health this Ramadan but not let the bad habits hold you, hostage, it is possible to stay healthy and fit while fasting and keeping the positive lifestyle habits you have adopted.
Aim to consume slow-digesting food during Suhoor such as grains and seeds like barley, wheat, oats, millet, semolina, beans, lentils and unpolished rice. Include fiber-dense foods such as bran, whole wheat, grains, and seeds. Most vegetables are a good source of fiber, such as green beans, peas, cabbage, zucchini and spinach. Most fruits are excellent sources of fiber, including dried unsweetened fruits. To avoid weight gain and negative health affect, stay away from fried and fatty foods. Try to stay hydrated by drinking a lot of water at Suhoor, as well as between the Iftar and bedtime so that your body can adjust fluid levels over time. Try to avoid consuming caffeine at Suhoor as coffee is a diuretic and makes you pass urine. This will make you lose water from your body, as well as mineral salts that are needed as you fast during the day.
Exercising is essential for a healthier and longer life. Exercising makes you burn calories and strengthens your body. During Ramadan, you should avoid doing vigorous aerobic exercise during the day because you will lose water as you fast. You don’t have to do rigorous exercising during Ramadan, but try to aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate activity per day such as brisk walking or any other type of aerobic exercise to stay fit, try to also fit in some strength training.
Sleeping 7 to 8 hours per day is essential for a healthy and vigorous adult body. During Ramadan, your schedule may change from non-fasting months because you have to rise earlier than usual for Suhoor.
If you are diabetic, review the general guidelines for fasting during Ramadan.
Tips for a healthier way of living, such as eating healthy, exercising, sleeping well, avoiding stress, and avoiding harmful habits
Although our eating habits change during the month, one important habit should not: Dental hygiene and regular teeth brushing and flossing
Healthy eating during Ramadan is not very different from any other month. let’s look at five important healthy eating habits
If you are diabetic, review the general guidelines for fasting during Ramadan.
Tips for a healthier way of living, such as eating healthy, exercising, sleeping well, avoiding stress, and avoiding harmful habits
Although our eating habits change during the month, one important habit should not: Dental hygiene and regular teeth brushing and flossing
Healthy eating during Ramadan is not very different from any other month. let’s look at five important healthy eating habits
If you are diabetic, review the general guidelines for fasting during Ramadan.